The sprinkler spray has the function can be called: spray sprinkler, but the actual needs of customers to spray sprinkler are not the same. Today, Xiagong Chusheng special sprinkler manufacturers guojingli lead you analyze: the type of spray sprinkler.
1, standard sprinkler spray function
Common green sanitation sprinkler working platform of high-pressure water gun has a semi mist flow of spray features, suitable for the work of the water spray nursery flowers. The disadvantage is the extra spray direction requires a manual control of water cannon and gun angle.
2, installation of spray nozzle spray sprinkler
Now just in the summer sun, air drying, some city to increase air humidity, stainless steel spray nozzle special requirements at the top of a row arc installed in the sprinkler tank after the spray water fanned out and spread like a peacock, for city road dust humidification, also plays a role in purifying air.
This spray nozzle of the spray nozzle is slightly higher than the price of ordinary sprinkler. For some tank made multifunctional sprinkler spraying anti-corrosion, adding a horizontal discharge spray head in the vehicle door plate, can play to disinfect the pavement, field disinfection commonly used in livestock breeding field.